The new release of the SpiNNaker software supports a basic implementation of PyNN 0.8 which runs on SpiNNaker. As part of our commitment to the HBP project and to our end users, we have now moved over to supporting both PyNN 0.75 and PyNN 0.8. Even though we have a PyNN 0.8 interface, it is in a beta state, therefore we welcome people to play about with it, and reveal where working issues are. We plan to try to fix these issues (if the time scale allows) during the 2 week period. The PyNN 0.8 documentation can be found here: As well as this, if there are PyNN 0.75 features which we have missed which you desire us to implement, this is the venue for you. Please be aware that pop views and assemblies are not on the table for development during the two weeks, as we already know that's a 2 month task at least. The PyNN 0.75 api can be found here:
PyNN 08 and PyNN 0.75 and SpiNNaker
The new release of the SpiNNaker software supports a basic implementation of PyNN 0.8 which runs on SpiNNaker. Come and try it out.
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Alan Stokes
Alan Stokes
Juan Pedro Dominguez-Morales
Daniel Gutierrez-Galan
Johannes Partzsch
Sahana Prasanna
zied tayeb